• info@pasada.or.tz
  • +255 22 286-6618/22 286-5451/22 286 2353



Posted on: 10 Sep, 2024

Introduction and Background

PASADA Tanzania is a faith-based organization working in to contribute to Pastoral activities and services for poor and vulnerable populations in Tanzania. Since its establishment in 1992, PASADA has provided services in the areas of Health mainly HIV/AIDS at both facility and community settings, Livelihood, Economic empowerment, and Community development. PASADA continues to offer both spiritual and physical support to all people without any form of discrimination and always aims at restoring dignity and respect to all humankind.

Over the years, PASADA’s role expanded to include medical services for  HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and other diseases, along with community-based care. As of now, PASADA is providing care and treatment services in both Dar es Salaam and Coastal regions respectively and for Dar es Salaam, 19 CTCs are established to provide comprehensive HIV services to individuals and their families.



The aim is to deploy an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that will assist in automating most of PASADA Tanzania processes, comply with legislative and government policies and promote good governance. The ERP system must be scalable to allow additional modules and must interface with other business information systems.


Scope of the Work

The firm will take the following broad approach in accomplishing the terms of reference (ToR) for which the following tasks and responsibilities will be performed:

·         Conduct review in a consultative manner with PASADA Tanzania, meet with the relevant staff of PASADA to map/document internal processes, and align them with the internal control model set and documented by the organization.

·         Conduct analysis of the current processes, which are performed through the current software solution.

·         Propose several variant options that are aligned with the organization requirements and advice on the effective solution to implement.

·         Install and develop the selected modules with Finance, Asset Management and Human Resources being the minimum required modules.

·         Migrate data from our system, without disruption of the company’s operation

·         Perform offline and live testing of the solution with the relevant First Consult staff.

·         Develop user guidelines on how to use the ERP, and the ERP technical support

·         Provide a complete documentation of flowchart and process of the ERP platform.

·         Provide training to all relevant PASADA staffs on the ERP for daily operations and system training to IT staff on supporting and administrating the ERP systems.

·         Provide user guidance/support on issues faced using the solution.

·         The platform and system must be able to serve daily user access and operations from at least 350 users to the ERP system internally with authorized levels of access

·         The employee portal platform must be logical and secure access to relevant self- services through a single online portal in accordance to user access level. It shall be able to be accessed and viewable through web browsers and/or mobile devices i.e. mobile friendly and responsive

·         The intuitive interface of the ERP system must allow users to easily adapt within a short period of time from the initial stage of the using the system and reduce the change management efforts

ERP Functionalities/ Features

·         Must have User Rights Management and Access Control for the authorized staffs to administer and set the proper user roles/permissions to allow specific users to access specific ERP operations, data, request approval and user profiles.

·         Must have an automated workflow for the business process lifecycle, allowing specified/respective users for review, editing, and approval of staff requests.

·         Must be able to track the process flow to respective users of their activities and their authorization including Access, Operations and Approval Logs to enable better control and monitoring of audit trail of activities performed in the system.


Account Module will cover the following functionality:

·         Setting up of chart of Accounts.

·         Accounting Dimension

·         Accounting Entries

·         Journal Entries

·         Payment Entries

·         Purchase Invoices

·         Credit and Debit note

·         Bank reconciliation

·         Multicurrency Accounting

·         Multi donor funds management

·         Monthly donor reports

·         Annual financial reports

·         Multi donor payroll summary

·         Handling level of effort salaries based on % charged to each donor

·         Statutory deductions and applicable rates


Budget Module will cover following functionality:

·         Budget Allocation

·         Monthly Budgeting

·         Expense control

·         Budget Variance Reports


Assets Module will cover the following functionality:

·         Asset Tracking

·         Asset Categorization

·         Depreciation Management

·         Asset Maintenance

·         Asset Movement

·         Purchase and Disposal Management

·         Asset Valuation

·         Reporting


Procurement Module will cover the following:

Purchase Requisition Management:

·         Create and submit purchase requisitions.

·         Approval workflows for requisition approvals.

·         Track the status of requisitions.

Supplier Management:

·         Supplier database with contact details, performance records, and contract management.

·         Supplier qualification and evaluation processes.

·         Supplier RFQs (Request for Quotes) and RFPs (Request for Proposals).

Purchase Order Management:

·         Generate and manage purchase orders (POs).

·         Automated PO creation from approved requisitions.

·         PO approval workflows.

·         Track order status and delivery timelines.


Procurement Planning:

·         Demand forecasting tools integrated with sales and inventory data.

·         Automated reorder point calculations.

·         Budget monitoring and spend analysis.

Contract Management:

·         Store and manage procurement contracts.

·         Contract renewal and expiration alerts.

·         Compliance tracking for contractual terms.

·         Vendor Portal

·         Supplier self-service portal for order status updates, invoice submissions, and communication.

·         Supplier performance feedback and dispute resolution tools.

·         Procurement Analytics & Reporting

·         Real-time dashboards with procurement KPIs.

·         Spend analysis reports, supplier performance reports, and cost-saving reports.

·         Customizable reporting features.


Inventory Module will cover the following:

·         Inventory Tracking

·         Real-time inventory levels across multiple warehouses or locations.

·         SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) management with categorization and barcoding.

·         Batch and lot tracking with expiration date management.

·         Stock Valuation and Accounting:

·         Multiple valuation methods (FIFO, LIFO, weighted average, etc.).

·         Automated journal entries for inventory transactions.

·         Integration with general ledger for real-time financial impact.

·         Inventory Replenishment:

·         Automatic reordering based on predefined thresholds.

·         Replenishment algorithms considering lead time and demand forecasts.

·         Integration with procurement for automatic PO generation.

·         Goods Receipt and Inspection:

·         Goods receipt notes (GRN) creation.

·         Quality inspection and acceptance/rejection workflows.

·         Integration with procurement for tracking received goods against POs.

·         Stock Movements:

·         Track stock transfers between locations or departments.

·         Stock adjustment and audit trail for discrepancies.

·         Cycle counting and physical inventory tracking.

·         Inventory Forecasting:

·         Demand planning and inventory forecasting based on historical data.

·         Integration with procurement modules.

·         Safety stock calculation and management.


Inventory Reports & Analytics:

·         Real-time stock status reports.

·         Inventory aging reports, ABC analysis, and slow-moving stock reports.

·         Integration with Other Modules:

·         Seamless integration with sales, production, and financial modules.

·         Automated workflows between procurement, inventory, and accounts payable.

·         Real-time data synchronization across all modules.


HR Module will cover the following functionality:

·         Master Data setup (Employee, Employment type, Department, Grades and Group, Job title, reporting structure, line)

·         Recruitment Management (staffing plan, Job opening, Job application, candidate assessment, and Job offer)

·         Leave management (Leave types, leave application and Leave Management, handle over option during leave)

·         Attendance Management (Optional biometric integration, manage employee working hours, absenteeism)

·         Employee lifecycle (On boarding, Transfer, Promotions and Separation)

·         Performance Management (Appraisal Templates, Appraisal Cycles, Self-Appraisals, Goal Tracking)

·         Learning and development (Trainings, Skills development, Certifications)

·         HR analytics (workforce metrics, diversity & turnover)


Payroll Module will cover the following functionality:

·         Create a salary structure, grades

·         Assign Salary structures in Bulk

·         Preview Salary slips

·         Run standard Payroll

·         Accommodate Additional Salaries

·         Customize Salary slip formats

·         Book Expenses

·         Multi-Currency Payroll

·         Employee Loans

·         Timesheet Based Payroll

·         Travel management (travel and advance request

·         Benefits administration (Like Health Insurance, retirement plans)


Existing System of PASADA Tanzania:


·         Biometric Finger System – ZK Teco (Bio Time 8.5)

·         HR Database- HURIS

·         Payroll

·         ARUTI Timesheet


·         QuickBooks

·         NAV

Expected Deliverables and Timeline:

·         The potential vendor shall deliver a complete integrated ERP platform with the all the modules and their required functionalities.

·         Both an ERP user guideline and technical support guideline.

·         A complete set of required documentation including flowchart, and process of the system.

·         Necessary trainings to be provided to all relevant First Consult staff.

·         Free support, maintenance, and licensing of ERP for a period no less than 12 months from the date of hand-over to PASADA Tanzania (inclusive of on-site debugging/correction, when necessary).






Submit Technical and Financial Proposal

(Date will be set)


Presentation and Demonstration of model to the committee

To be communicated


Contract award

To be communicated


Installation of ERP

To be communicated


Guideline /Reference documents on the installed ERP

To be communicated


Training of users

To be communicated


Data Migration cleaning & Reconciliation

To be communicated


These timelines are indicative, and bidder should include a more detailed delivery timeline in their proposal.


Duration and Location:

This service is required for PASADA Tanzania. The service provider will install the ERP system and provide ongoing technical support and maintenance for minimum of one (1) year.



All costs should be stated in TZS. Budget should be presented in a format where cost areas are clearly identified.


General Qualifications of the Software Company/Firm

Software Company/Firm with ERP system implementation capability that has the following experience:

·         Legally registered organization with requisite professional experience of three (3) years minimum and knowledge of ERP installation systems.

·         Prior experience should include a full range of activities from ERP planning process, and ERP implementation projects.

·         Senior (managerial) level experience in implementation of ERP systems.

·         Proven experience in integration of ERP systems.

·         Excellent communication, and presentation skills as well as ability to work with teams.

·         Qualified personnel in project management, system analysis, and ERP software installation.

·         Demonstrated ability to deploy and manage staff and experts with relevant experience.



The software company/firm is asked to provide a clear methodology and approach in carrying out this assignment.

The software company/firm is also required to demonstrate knowledge and skills that indicate the software company/firm team will have the ability to implement this project successfully and in accordance with the stated scope of work, and timeline.


Thus, services on the methodology include:

·         Information/system demand capturing

·         System installation

·         System integration

·         Reporting (user guide/reference)

·         System training and user introduction

·         Data quality assurance

·         Technical quality assurance

Working Arrangements:

The software company/firm shall work closely with PASADA Tanzania team. PASADA focal persons for this assignment to whom the company will be reporting to are the Executive Director, Administration & HR Manager, Finance Manager, Procurement officer, and ICT Manager.


Responsibilities of Software Company/Firm

The software company/firm will be responsible for carrying out the tasks outlined in this TOR and ensure the delivery of outputs stated above within the agreed budget and timeline.



The copyright of the entire system and its components developed by the organization/software company/firm under this ToR will belong to PASADA Tanzania.



·         To be considered for the award, vendors must currently be legally operating in Tanzania, and the quotation must include all the following information:

·         Ability to meet or exceed the requirements/technical specifications.

·         Ability to deliver the items/services specified in Terms of reference no later than the date(s) required.

·         Legally registered in Tanzania


Submission Instructions

Interested dealers must submit the following information to PASADA:

·         Draft inception report detailing Technical Proposal, Concept of the ERP Development, Development methodology, workplan and a list of resources to be used

·         Financial Proposal, Detailed budget breakdown including taxes

·         Quote, valid for at least 60 days

·         Current company profile

·         Copies of registration certificate and address of their registered office, valid business license, VAT, TIN certificates, and Tax clearance certificate

·         Items specifications are fully addressed in the quotation.

·         Current Audited financial statement

·         Delivery time must be specified.

·         Payment terms 100% after delivery

·         Evidence of similar assignments, and at least two (2) LPO or contract of client served.

 How To Apply:

Vendors who wish to answer this TOR should send their proposals in sealed envelopes to PASADA Head Office by 24th September 2024, 11:00 am. All sealed envelopes need to be marked as: “Tender for Delivery of Enterprise Resource Planning System"


Office Address:

The Tender Committee


Chang’ombe, Temeke

P. O. Box 70225, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


PASADA will open all bids on Tuesday 24th September 2024 at 11.30 am in the presence of Bidder's representatives who choose to attend.

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