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RFP Title: Facilitation of Sharing Health Testing Counselling Best Practices and Publications

RFP Title: Facilitation of Sharing Health Testing Counselling Best Practices and Publications

Posted on: 26 Jul, 2024

1. Introduction to PASADA

PASADA, an acronym for Pastoral Activities and Services for People with AIDS, Dar-es-Salaam Archdiocese, is a faith-based organization established in August 1992 under the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Dar es Salaam. It aims to support the poorest individuals living with HIV by providing holistic HIV prevention, care, and treatment services free of charge and without discrimination. PASADA was founded during a peak of the HIV/AIDS pandemic when society was not well-equipped to address the disease, leading to severe stigmatization and abandonment of HIV/AIDS victims. The organization intervened to offer both spiritual and physical support, helping patients cope with health challenges like severe diarrhea, weight loss, loss of appetite, and incapacitation, as well as providing hope, moral strength, and palliative care.

Over the years, PASADA's role expanded to include medical services for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and other diseases, along with community-based care. The organization now envisions broadening its services to address non-communicable diseases and environmental health issues. However, as PASADA's scope grew, the focus on its pastoral, moral, and spiritual elements diminished. To address this, PASADA's strategic plan includes deliberate efforts to rebrand and emphasize its dual mission of catering to both the spiritual and physical needs of individuals. Through these efforts, PASADA aims to restore its foundational balance of providing comprehensive support to those in need.

The rationale for developing and sharing best practices and publications on PASADA’s model of HIV Testing and Counseling (HTC) stems from the organization's extensive experience and success in the field. Over the past three decades, PASADA has established itself as a pioneer in providing holistic HIV prevention, care, and treatment services in Tanzania. By effectively documenting and disseminating its methods, strategies, and outcomes, PASADA aims to contribute valuable knowledge to the broader community and stakeholders. This initiative is crucial in enhancing the understanding of effective HTC practices, thereby improving service delivery, reducing stigma, and ultimately achieving better health outcomes for individuals living with HIV. Additionally, the dissemination of PASADA's best practices will support other organizations and healthcare providers in adopting successful models, fostering a collaborative approach to combating HIV/AIDS.

PASADA is seeking proposals from qualified individuals or organizations to facilitate the sharing of best practices and publications related to Health Testing Counselling. This initiative aims to improve the quality and effectiveness of health testing counselling services by disseminating evidence-based practices and relevant research publications among healthcare providers, policymakers, and stakeholders.


The Objectives of the Assignment

  • Enhance Knowledge Sharing

 Promote the exchange of best practices and research findings in health testing counselling.

  • Improve Service Delivery

 Support healthcare providers in implementing effective counselling techniques and interventions.

  • Foster Collaboration

Encourage collaboration among stakeholders, including healthcare providers, researchers, and policymakers.

Scope of Work

The selected facilitator will be responsible for the following tasks:

  1. Inception Report

·                        Develop a detailed inception report outlining the methodology to be used and timelines.

  1. Mapping exercise

·                       Conduct a thorough mapping exercise to identify PASADA’s achievements.

·                      Identify and curate relevant publications, case studies, and best practice guidelines.

·                      Regularly update the platform with new content and resources.

  1. Workshops and Webinars

·                      Organize and facilitate workshops and webinars to discuss and disseminate best practices.

·                       Engage subject matter experts to present and discuss key topics

  1. Data Identification

·                       Identify key sources of data from which to harvest the success stories of PASADA in the delivery of HTC services in Tanzania.

  1. Collaboration with Internal Teams

·                       Collaborate with PASADA’s internal teams to compile a comprehensive account of success stories in HTC.

  1. Compilation of Best Practices

·                     Compile best practices of HTC from PASADA’s experiences.

  1. Analysis of Processes and Mechanisms

·                    Conduct a thorough analysis of the processes and mechanisms that have enabled PASADA to achieve the best practices in HTC to inform scale-up.

  1. Strategy Development for Dissemination

·                   Develop a set of strategies to disseminate the best practices of HTC from PASADA’s experiences.

  1. Peer-Reviewed Article Development

·                  Develop a peer-reviewed article on PASADA’s best practices in HTC delivery for publication in peer-reviewed journals.

  1. Policy Brief Development

·                  Develop a policy brief demonstrating the need for uptake and scale-up of PASADA’s best practices.


·         An inception report detailing methodology and timelines.

·         A comprehensive list of identified achievements and success stories of PASADA in the delivery of HTC in Tanzania.

·         An analytical framework for understanding the achievements and best practices of PASADA in delivering HTC services in Tanzania.

·         Report on the dissemination impact and stakeholder feedback.

·         A manuscript for peer-reviewed publication

·         A policy brief

Time frame

This assignment is expected to be carried out from August 2024 to September 2024


 Proposal Submission Requirements

Interested parties should submit a proposal that includes the following information:

  1. Executive Summary

           Brief overview of the proposal and how it addresses the objectives and scope of work.

  1. Organizational Profile

           Description of the organization or individual, including relevant experience and qualifications.

  1. Approach and Methodology

           Detailed plan for developing and managing the knowledge-sharing platform.

           Proposed methods for content curation, workshops, webinars, and stakeholder engagement.

  1. Work Plan and Timeline

           Project timeline with key milestones and deliverables.

  1. Budget

           Detailed budget, including all costs associated with the project.

  1. References

          Contact information for at least three references who can attest to the proposer’s qualifications and experience.

Evaluation Criteria

        Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

·         Relevance and Quality of Approach

       How well the proposal addresses the objectives and scope of work.

  • Experience and Qualifications

Relevant experience in health testing counselling, knowledge management, and stakeholder engagement.

·         Cost-effectiveness

Reasonableness and transparency of the budget.

  • Innovation

Creativity and innovation in the proposed methods and tools for knowledge sharing.

Submission Deadline

Proposals must be submitted by 1st August 2024 to procurement@pasada.or.tz  Late submissions will not be considered.


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