• info@pasada.or.tz
  • +255 22 286-6618/22 286-5451/22 286 2353



Posted on: 10 Jan, 2025



PASADA, an acronym for Pastoral Activities and Services for People with AIDS, Dar-es-Salaam Archdiocese, is a faith-based organization established in August 1992 under the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Dar es Salaam. Its mission is to support the poorest individuals living with HIV by providing holistic HIV prevention, care, and treatment services free of charge and without discrimination. PASADA was founded during a peak of the HIV/AIDS pandemic when society was not well-equipped to address the disease, leading to severe stigmatization and abandonment of HIV/AIDS victims. The organization intervened to offer both spiritual and physical support, helping patients cope with health challenges like severe diarrhea, weight loss, loss of appetite, and incapacitation, while also providing hope, moral strength, and palliative care. For more about PASADA, visit www.pasada.or.tz

PASADA Tanzania has set aside funds towards the cost for supplying various goods, works and other services and intends to Pre-qualify interested suitably qualified and competent bidders for the provision of and supply of various goods, works and services for a period of 3 years. The objective of this pre-qualification is to identify competent companies / firms that will be called upon from time to time to quote/tender for supply of goods, work, and services during the two - year period as per notification issued upon being successful.

Please note that even if you are a current service provider to PASADA Tanzania, you still need to apply.




Category: Description of Goods/Supplies or

Services                                Lot No.

Required location



Supply of Stationary supplies

Lot No. 1

Dar es Salaam & Mbeya



Supply and maintenance service of ICT Equipments (Computers, Laptops, UPS, Printers – including Server SSD Hard Disks, Toners & Cartridges, Projectors, Conference Room Scheduling Panels, Copiers and ICT consumables)


Lot No. 2

Dar es Salaam & Mbeya


Provision of Air, Ferry and Train ticketing services

Lot No. 3

Dar es Salaam


Provision of Vehicle hire services

Lot No. 4

Dar es Salaam, Pwani & Mbeya




Supply of Office sundries/ general merchandise (Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Milk etc.), cleaning materials and toilet utilities



Lot No. 5

Dar es Salaam & Mbeya




Supply and Printing of Books and IEC materials (brochures, Business cards, IDs, booklets, posters, flyers and leaflets)



Lot No. 6

Dar es Salaam


Provision of Hotel accommodation, Conference package and other conference facilities.

Lot No. 7

Dar es Salaam, Mbeya and Pwani


Provision of food catering services at the office or training centers.

Lot No. 8

Dar es Salaam, Mbeya and Pwani


General Office cleaning and fumigation services

Lot No. 9

Dar es Salaam



Supply of motor vehicle spare parts, batteries, tires and related accessories.


Lot No. 10

Dar es Salaam & Mbeya



The service provider must be currently legally operating in Tanzania, and the proposal must clearly express ability of the Provider to meet or exceed the Requirements/ Specifications outlined above.

      Ability to deliver the required services.

      Ability to deliver the required goods.


Submission Instructions.

Interested service provider must submit the following information to PASADA Tanzania for each Lot:

      Application Letter

      Current company profile.

      Copies of registration, certificate and address of the registered office, relevant and valid business license, VAT, TIN certificates, most recent tax clearance certificate, and any relevant license or certificate as per applied categories. These should align with the Lot being applied.

      Evidence of similar assignments, and at least three (3) copies of the recent contracts or purchase orders similar to applied categories and at least three (3) names and addresses of client served.

      Current Audited financial statement for at least 2 yrs (most recent) and must be signed and stamped by both parties.

Interested service providers should submit their applications electronically to PASADA Tanzania via email at procurement@pasada.or.tz by Tuesday 24th January 2025 addressing to: -


The Tender Committee, PASADA Tanzania, Temeke Chang’ombe

P. O. Box 70225,

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Email:procurement@pasada.or.tz  


Request for clarification can be done via email Procurement@pasada.or.tz indicating; Request for Clarification: LOT #. Clarifications will be responded till Friday 14th January 2025 11:00am.


Evaluation Criteria:

(This will be a step-by-step evaluation on pass or fail basis).

     Minimum eligibility

    Past performance - For vendors who have worked previously with Pact, Past performance will be assessed. Any vendor with poor performance record will not be considered.

     Satisfactory site visit if needed.

     Financial capability if successful from above criteria.



1.   Application must be submitted electronically to PASADA Tanzania.


2.   Vendors currently working with PASADA Tanzania are also advised to apply.


3.   Application received after that time or at a different address may not be accepted.


4.   Prequalification is not a guarantee for business opportunities, bidders will be invited to submit their quotations on a need basis based on the opportunities available.


5.   Submission email, subject name should be lot number e.g. “Application - LOT 1”. If interested in applying for more than one lot, separate emails should be submitted for each lot.

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